Renewable Energy

Solar panels are a staple in renewable energy for residential, commercial and government agencies. While improved panels swarm the market, older units become obsolete.

Toxic elements used in solar manufacturing like lead require proper recycling for older and damaged panels.

Solar Panel Recycling.

  • We Collect Your Panels

    We do all the heavy lifting. Experienced coordinators and logistics experts are at your service to efficiently collect the panels. In certain areas, ATS Solutions can be contracted for removal.

  • We Process Them

    Upon receipt at our facilities, ATS will disassemble & separate commodities (glass, aluminum, silver, copper, lead etc.) and properly downstream all elements under our zero-land fill policy.

  • Recover Commodities

    The great benefit in recycling solar products is the reduced need for additional mining and manufacturing. Our services reduce your company’s carbon footprint.

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